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I am Jonna Miller, your soul speaker
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Coachfocus CEO
Jonna Miller

The latest podcasts now
I coach provocatively, soulfully and am intuitively gifted to be able to spot new opportunities for you. You are ready to heal and become the powerful woman.
New Perspectives: Expert Insights On Life Management
Improve Your Life By Listening To Our Podcasts
Relationships are like a kaleidoscope — lots of little shapes in lots of colors that blend together in sometimes beautiful, sometimes uncomfortable ways. They’re complicated, with different personalities and different expectations, and for most of us, negotiating all of that is tough.
Sero Boost: The Happiness Science Insights Podcast
Wealth Pathways: The Affluence Science Insights Podcast
Aging Less: The Longevity Science Insights Podcast
Learn how to enhance your cognitive function and memory, maintain physical vitality and strength, improve your overall health and well-being by conveying various topics from the comprehensive framework of several domains and elements developed by Longevity Science Labs.
Navigating through life can be quite challenging, especially if you don’t have enough support. But when you have the right tools and knowledge, this can lead you to infinite personal growth. That’s the goal of The Self-Improvement Atlas, a podcast that provides insights into Personal Science.
Latest episode: Enhancing financial security post-pandemic
Relationships are like a kaleidoscope — lots of little shapes in lots of colours that blend together in sometimes beautiful, sometimes uncomfortable ways. They’re complicated, different personalities and different expectations, and for most of us, negotiating all of that is tough.
Latest episode: Do we need sexual routine to improve sexual intimacy?
Make family life a whole lot easier for you with the help of science only here at All Together: The Family Science Insights Podcast! Presented by Family Science Labs, a division of LMSL, the Life Management Labs – the pioneers of life management.
We always say that it takes a village to raise a kid. But, what about the parents? Do you think all your present knowledge is enough for all the parenting shenanigans you’ll encounter? But, not to worry! Raising Parents is here to help you out!
That’s why Parenting Science Labs, a division of LMSL, the Life Management Science Labs, has created Raising Parents: The parenting science insights podcast. We know that being a parent is a never-ending educational experience so we invited guests experienced in both academia and life to give you the knowledge you need in your journey to being the parent your kids need.
Latest episode: The impact of positive discipline on children’s development
On the House: The household management science insights podcast, is a podcast from LMSL all about helping you or a friend – talking about anyone really- with no skill to develop their skills and confidence to build a healthy home lifestyle!
We talk about the freedom of living alone, how not to poison yourself. We even talk about laundry! Each topic addresses an element from the comprehensive framework of several domains and elements created by the Center for Household Management Science.
Latest episode: Food safety
Room by Room: The Home Organization Science Insights podcast, talks to experts about different aspects of the science behind home organization. Life Management Science Labs developed this podcast to increase the quality of life in your home and make it more livable.
We talk about why you should make your bed, we tackle clutter and why it happens, why big tiles are more hygienic, and so much more. Each topic addresses an element from the comprehensive framework of several domains and elements created by the Center for Home Organization Science.
Latest episode: Tailoring bedroom organization to the individual
If you’re someone who’s always looking for the best way to maximize your time, work smarter rather than harder, and live better, then this podcast show is for you!
Here we talk about all things productivity, from money organisation to that dreaded work-life balancing act, and many more! Each topic addresses an element from the comprehensive framework of several domains and elements created by the Center for Personal Resilience Science.
Bouncing Back: The Personal Resilience Science Insights Podcast is a podcast by Life Management Science Labs. In the show, we talk about self-compassion, therapy techniques, and all the fun things in between. Each topic addresses an element from the comprehensive framework of several domains and elements created by the Center for Personal Productivity Science.
Sero Boost: The Happiness Science Insights Podcast
Sero Boost: The happiness science insights podcast is where we discuss all key aspects of happiness with insightful guests, drawing on science, knowledge and experience.
Each topic addresses an element from the comprehensive framework of several domains and elements created by the Center for Happiness Science.
With us, happiness is a journey, not a destination, and we’re excited to be with you on it.
Doing Well: The Wellbeing Science Insights Podcast, discusses everything about well-being and the science behind it!
Proudly developed with the help of the Wellbeing Science Labs, a division of LMSL, the Life Management Science Labs, that focuses on an individual’s well-being as a whole. Here we invite experts and esteemed guests to give some insight into the science of health and wellness. Each topic addresses an element from the comprehensive framework of several domains and elements created by the Center for Wellbeing Science. Taking care of ourselves every minute of every day is important. Let this podcast be the first step in improving ourselves for the better.
Latest episode: Work motivation